Wednesday, 31 August 2022



Acarology: The study of ticks and mites

Aerology: The study of the atmosphere

Aetiology: The study of the causes of disease

Agrology: The branch of soil science dealing with the production of crops

Agrostology: The study of grasses

Algology: The study of algae; the study of pain

Andrology: The study of male health

Anthropology: The study of humans

Apiology: The study of bees

Arachnology: The study of spiders

Archaeology: The study of past cultures

Archaeozoology: The study of relationships between humans and animals over time

Astrobiology: The study of the origin of life

Audiology: The study of hearing

Bacteriology: The study of bacteria

Bioecology: The study of the interaction of life in the environment

Biology: The study of life

Bromatology: The study of food

Cardiology: The study of the heart

Cariology: The study of cells; the study of dental cavities

Climatology: The study of the climate

Coleopterology: The study of beetles

Conchology: The study of shells and of mollusks

Coniology: The study of dust in the atmosphere and its effects on living organisms

Craniology: The study of the characteristics of the skull

Criminology: The scientific study of crime

Cynology: The study of dogs

Cytology: The study of cells

Dendrology: The study of trees

Dermatology: The study of the skin

Diabetology: The study of diabetes mellitus

Dipterology: The study of flies

Ecology: The study of the relationships between living organisms and their environment

Embryology: The study of embryos

Endocrinology: The study of internal secretory glands

Entomology: The study of insects

Enzymology: The study of enzymes

Epidemiology: The study of the origin and spread of diseases

Ethology: The study of animal behavior

Exobiology: The study of life in outer space

Felinology: The study of cats

Fetology (foetology): The study of the fetus

Formicology: The study of ants

Gastrology (gastroenterology): The study of the stomach and intestines

Gemology: The study of gemstones

Geology: The study of the Earth

Gerontology: The study of old age

Glaciology: The study of glaciers

Gynecology: The study of medicine relating to women

Hematology: The study of blood

Heliology: The study of the sun

Helminthology: The study of parasitic worms

Hepatology: The study of the liver

Herbology: The study of the therapeutic use of plants

Herpetology: The study of reptiles and amphibians

Heteroptology: The study of true bugs

Hippology: The study of horses

Histology: The study of living tissues

Hydrogeology: The study of underground water

Hydrology: The study of water

Ichnology: The study of fossil footprints, tracks, and burrows

Ichthyology: The study of fish

Immunology: The study of the immune system

Kymatology: The study of waves or wave motions

Laryngology: The study of the larynx

Lepidopterology: The study of butterflies and moths

Lithology: The study of rocks

Malacology: The study of mollusks

Mammalogy: The study of mammals

Meteorology: The study of weather

Microbiology: The study of micro-organisms

Micrology: The science of preparing and handling microscopic objects

Mineralogy: The study of minerals

Mycology: The study of fungi

Myology: The study of muscles

Myrmecology: The study of ants

Nanotechnology: The study of machines at the molecular level

Nematology: The study of nematodes (roundworms)

Neonatology: The study of newborn infants

Nephology: The study of clouds

Nephrology: The study of the kidneys

Neurology: The study of nerves

Neuropathology: The study of neural diseases

Neurophysiology: The study of the functions of the nervous system

Nosology: The study of disease classification

Oceanology: The study of oceans

Odonatology: The study of dragonflies and damselflies

Odontology: The study of the teeth

Oncology: The study of cancer

Oology: The study of eggs

Ophthalmology: The study of the eyes

Ornithology: The study of birds

Orology: The study of mountains and their mapping

Orthopterology: The study of grasshoppers and crickets

Osteology: The study of bones

Otolaryngology: The study of the ear and throat

Otology: The study of the ear

Otorhinolaryngology: The study of the ear, nose, and throat

Paleoanthropology: The study of prehistoric people and human origins

Paleobiology: The study of prehistoric life

Paleontology: The study of fossils of ancient life

Palynology: The study of pollen

Parapsychology: The study of paranormal or psychic phenomena that defy conventional scientific explanations

Parasitology: The study of parasites

Pathology: The study of illness

Petrology: The study of rocks and conditions by which they form

Pharmacology: The study of drugs

Phonology: The study of vocal sounds

Phycology: The study of algae

Physiology: The study of the functions of living organisms

Phytology: The study of plants; botany

Phytopathology: The study of plant diseases

Planetology: The study of planets and solar systems

Pomology: The study of fruits

Posology: The study of drug dosage

Proctology: The study of the rectum, anus, colon, and pelvic floor

Psychology: The study of mental processes in living creatures

Psychopathology: The study of mental illness or disorders

Pulmonology: The study of diseases of the lungs and the respiratory tract

Radiology: The study of rays, usually ionizing radiation

Rheumatology: The study of rheumatic diseases

Rhinology: The study of the nose

Scatology: The study of feces

Seismology: The study of earthquakes

Selenology: The study of the moon

Serology: The study of blood serum

Sexology: The study of sex

Sitiology: The study of diet

Sociology: The study of society

Somatology: The study of human characteristics

Somnology: The study of sleep

Speleology: The study or exploration of caves

Stomatology: The study of the mouth

Symptomatology: The study of symptoms

Technology: The study of the practical arts

Thermology: The study of heat

Tocology: The study of childbirth

Toxicology: The study of poisons

Traumatology: The study of wounds and injuries

Trichology: The study of hair and scalp

Urology: The study of the urogenital tract

Vaccinology: The study of vaccines

Virology: The study of viruses

Volcanology (vulcanology): The study of volcanoes

Xylology: The study of wood

Zoology: The study of animals

Zoopathology: The study of animal diseases

Zoopsychology: The study of mental processes in animals

Zymology: The study of fermentation

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