Tuesday 28 February 2023


1➤ I will go to Chicago after I ..................... finished my work here.

1 point

2➤ She ..................... playing the piano when I entered her room.

1 point

3➤ The patient ..................... died before the doctor came.

1 point

4➤ ............. you ever been to Kashmir?

1 point

5➤ That is what he ..................... not seem to understand.

1 point

6➤ They ..................... say that they would pay up.

1 point

7➤ I will call you when dinner ..................... ready.

1 point

8➤ She asked where I ..................... going.

1 point

9➤ ............. you know where John lives?

1 point

10➤ I ..................... admit that I was wrong.

1 point

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