Sunday 27 September 2020


1. My father gave her a mobile phone.

2. The police offered the boy a good job.

3. Shahina showed me a new phone.

4. Jacob paid the woman a large amount of money.

5. Mr. Adam taught me English.

6. A maid brought me a blanket.

7. l will buy you a mobile phone tomorrow.

passive voice:

1. She was given a mobile phone by my father.

  A mobile phone was given (to) her by my father.

2. The boy was offered a good job by the police.

 A good job was offered to the boy by the police.

3. l was shown a new phone by Shahina.

A new phone was shown to me by Shahina.

4. The woman was paid a large amount of money by Jacob.

A large amount of money was paid to the woman by Jacob.

5. l was taught English by Mr Adam.

 English was taught to me by Mr Adam.

6. l was brought a blanket by a maid.

A blanket was brought to me by a maid.

7. You will be bought a mobile phone tomorrow.

A mobile phone will be bought for you tomorrow.

Me, us, him, her, them (Object forms - Used after Verbs)

I, we, he, she, they (Subject forms - Used before Verbs)

Ditransitive verbs (Verbs with Two Objects):
award, bring, build, buy, cook, design, feed, give, grant, hand, leave, lend, loan, mail, make, offer, order, pass, pay, post, read, rent, reserve, sell, send, serve, show, sing, teach, tell, write.

Monotransitive verbs (Verbs with One Object)

Active voiceലെ ക്രിയക്കുശേഷം preposition ഉണ്ടെങ്കില്‍ ആ preposition, passive voiceല്‍ നിലനിര്‍ത്തണം.

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