Wednesday 17 March 2021




Note well:

(a) Positive sentence >>>>> Negative tag

     Negative sentence >>>> Positive tag

(b) Use only an auxiliary verb and a personal pronoun to make a question tag

(c) Use only a contracted negative in question tags

Auxiliary Verbs:

I. will, would; shall, should; can, could; may, might; must; need; dare; ought to; used to; do, does, did

II. am, is, are; was, were

III. have, has; had

Personal Pronouns:

I, we, you, he, she, it, they

Negative Words:

No, not, never, none, nothing, nobody, no one, nowhere, neither, nor

hardly, rarely, barely, scarcely, seldom

few, little


will not         = won't

would not     = wouldn't

shall not       = shan't

should not    = shouldn't

cannot          = can't

could not      = couldn't

may not        = mayn't

might not     = mightn't

must not       = mustn't

need not       = needn't

dare not        = daren't

ought not      = oughtn't

used not        = didn't

am not          = aren't

is not             = isn't

are not          = aren't

was not         = wasn't

were not       = weren't

have not        = haven't

has not          = hasn't

had not          = hadn't

1. The war has ended, ........?

(a) isn't it (b) has it

(c) hasn't it (d) hadn't it

2. You will not do the work, .......?

(a) will you (b) won't you

(c) do you (d) don't you

3. You can swim well, .......?

(a) would you (b) can't you

(c) can you (d) could you

4. Manju is working in an office, .......?

(a) is she (b) isn't she

(c) do she (d) does she

5. Mohan has never been to Delhi before ......?

(a) hasn't he (b) had he

(c) has he (d) hadn't he

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