Sunday 16 August 2020


Singular and Plural Nouns

or, either ..... or, neither ..... nor, not only .... but also (correlative conjunctions)

  • My relatives or my friends are likely to help me.
  • Either Shahina or Varsha is sure to come today.
  • Not only the students but also the principal is to blame.
  • Not only the principal but also the students are to blame.
  • Neither Rahul nor I am interested in such films.
  • Either your car or your bike is essential for the trip.
  • Both my wife and my eldest son have helped me to compile the dictionary.

with, along with, together with, in addition to, as well as, rather than

  • The teacher as well as the students is responsible for the accident.
  • The Chief Minister, along with his ministers, has arrived at the guest house.
  • Coffee, rather than tea, gives you energy.

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