Friday 10 July 2020


(tenses and their uses)

Past simple tense


[wrote: She wrote a letter] 

I ................ him seven years ago.
(a) met
(b) have met
(c) had met
(d) have been met

Ago, last week/month/year, yesterday, in 2015

Columbus discovered America.

Vaikom Muhammad Basheer wrote many very famous novels.

M.T. Vasudevan Nair has written many very famous novels.

The number of soldiers killed in the war .......... not large.
(a) were
(b) was
(c) be
(d) is
[Sales Asst., Handicrafts Dvlpt Corp. - 2013]

The boy had finished his homework when ........................
(a) I called him
(b) I had called him
(c) I have called him
(d) I call him
_[LDC, Eklm - 2013]_

1. He ........... abroad last year.
(a) went
(b) gone
(c) go
(d) had gone
_[Asst. Storekeeper (KSRTC) - 2011]

2. We ........... a trip to Delhi last summer.
(a) have had
(b) had
(c) was
(d) were
_[LD Typist Various - 2011]

3. He ...........  the SSLC Examination four years ago.
(a) had passed
(b) has passed
(c) would pass
(d) passed
_[LDC Knr - 2011]

4. The thief ........... in the waste bin.
(a) hid
(b) hide
(c) hidden
(d) hiding

_[Jr. Asst. (Eligibility Test) KSFE - 2015]

5. My mother ........... her uncle yesterday.
(a) visits
(b) visiting
(c) visit
(d) visited
[Wharf Supervisor - 2013] 

1. (a) 2. (b) 3. (d)  4. (a)  5. (d)
1. It is time you ........... to bed.
(a) go
(b) have gone
(c) will go
(d) went

2. I would rather you .............. Shahina.
(a) marrying
(b) married
(c) have married
(d) would marry

3. I wish I ................ her phone number.
(a) knew
(b) knowing
(c) know
(d) will know

4. Would you mind if I .............. your sister?
(a) ring
(b) rang
(c) had rung
(d) have rung

5. I haven’t seen her since she .............. college.
(a) leaves
(b) has left
(c) had left
(d) left

6. It is/It has been five years since she .................
(a) get married
(b) got married
(c) has married
(d) had married

1. (d) 2. (b) 3. (a) 4. (b) 5. (d) 6. (b) 

In case, lest

I wrote down her phone number in case ..................
(a) I forgot it (b) I will forget it
(c) I would forget it (d) I forget it
[LDC Kottayam 2011]

I write down phone numbers in case I forget it.

I wrote down her phone number in case I should forget it.

I write down phone numbers in case I should forget it.


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