Saturday 19 September 2020



[Previous PSC Questions]

1. The passive form of He issued the orders is:

a) The orders were issued by him.
b) He was issued the orders.
c) He had been issued the orders.
d) The orders was issued by him.

2.  The passive voice of the sentence Someone has locked the room is:
a) The room is being locked
b) The room has been locked
c) The room is locked
d) The room locked

3. ‘I ate a banana’is the active form of ..................
a) A banana has eaten by me
b) I was eaten by a banana
c) I had been eaten a banana
d) A banana was eaten by me

4. Students should obey the rules of the school.
Change the sentence into passive voice.

a) The rules of the school should be obeyed.
b) The rules of the school shall be obeyed.
c) The rules of the school has to be obeyed.
d) None of these  

5.  The passive form of The secretary garlanded the chief guest’is:

a) The chief guest was garlanded by the secretary.
b) The chief guest is garlanded by the secretary.
c) The chief guest has been garlanded by the secretary.
d) The chief guest will be garlanded by the secretary.

6.  The pasive voice form of They completed the project is:

a) The project is completed
b) The project was being completed
c) The project was completed by them
d) The project will be completed

7.  The passive voice of People speak English all over the world is:

a) English was spoken all over the world
b) English is spoken all over the world
c) English has spoken all over the world
d) English had spoken all over the world

8.  ‘A bridge was being built by them. The active voice of the sentence is:

a) They were building a bridge
b) They are building a bridge
c) They had built a bridge
d) They was building a bridge

9.  Manu uses Internet for two hours daily. [Change the voice of the verb]

a) Internet is used for two hours daily
b) Internet was used for two hours daily
c) Internet is being used for two hours daily
d) Internet was being used for two hours daily

10. The passive form of the sentence They have built a bridge is:

a) A bridge have been built by them
b) A bridge has built by them
c) A bridge has been built by them
d) A bridge have been built by them

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